The Brochure and the exhibition presented here, exists only in French and German. Any help in translating it into another language is welcome 🙂
2019 was a year with a great number of social revolts in different corners of the world.
“Revolt 2019” summarizes these different experiences in a booklet and an exhibition to give them more visibility.
Colour Booklet, 40 pages, format A5, with a picture and a quotation for each of the 17 listed uprisings. Includes a list of the website addresses from which the quotations are taken to allow a deeper insight immersion into the various contexts.
You can download it here
The exhibition accompanying the booklet consists of 4 laminated posters in A1 format, which also contain quotations and pictures. It can be exhibited together with the brochure in collective places, cafés, etc.
For each language (French and German), 4 exhibitions are circulated simultaneously.