Childfree is a larp-game about owning one’s own body, about being empowered to make life changing choices and pursue one’s dreams and projects.
It is a larp about choosing to get an abortion.

Network of anarchist friendships since 2019
Childfree is a larp-game about owning one’s own body, about being empowered to make life changing choices and pursue one’s dreams and projects.
It is a larp about choosing to get an abortion.
In Latin TACEO means “to keep silent”. A perfect name for a game in purpose is that the best line of defense during a police interrogation is to keep silent.
Read more "TACEO #1 – A game against the police"What is an anarchist game? Is it a game that promotes anarchist values? A game that depicts anarchist activities? A game that subverts and destabilizes power structures? What can gaming theory teach anarchists—and what can anarchists teach through games? To explore these and other questions, we conducted the following interview with TL, game designer and artist of Bloc by Bloc: The Insurrection Game.
Read more "Insurrection is Not a Game"